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President's Page by Emily Ellison

It’s hard to believe May is already here. With the end of my presidential year quickly approaching in June, I’m reflecting on my experience serving as a BCBA Board member since 2019 and President over the last year. Over the last five years, the BCBA and our society have seen the world changed by a pandemic, racial and social injustice, multiple wars, and economic uncertainty, just to name a few.

The BCBA has adapted to the many changes that we have faced, quickly changing programming to primarily virtual and gearing events toward members’ needs and wants as everyone emerged from a pandemic. Although it feels difficult during trying times, going through adversity and facing discomfort can make you realize what is most important in life. To me, the most important value of the BCBA is the inclusive nature of its people. The BCBA’s people, who build an inclusive legal community, make the BCBA unique.

When I first joined the BCBA Board in 2019, I was a newer attorney and had feelings of imposter syndrome. Those feelings of insecurity were eased by the people at the BCBA, who made me feel welcomed and supported. Joining the Board, I felt like I had a more involved role in making the local legal system and community a better one, where you can find support and all voices can be heard.

This value of inclusivity resonates after I recently attended an eye-opening CLE on April 24 presented by Judge Dea Lindsey titled “Introduction to Racial Equity: A Lawyer’s Responsibility.” Judge Lindsey shared statistics on negative disparities for people of color in Boulder County. One main takeaway is that awareness is key. Judge Lindsey offered ways that we can all be more personally aware of these disparities in our lives and the systems in which we work and she offered resources on how to have conversations on race. We appreciate Judge Lindsey taking the time to present such an important topic and share her personal account of these issues. This presentation was recorded and is now available here for members on the BCBA website for 1 general CLE credit and 1 EDI credit.

We also strive to make the BCBA Board more diverse and inclusive, where many perspectives are shared. In May, the BCBA is holding interviews and elections for new Board members. So, stay tuned for information to vote on new Board members.

Over the next few months there are several social events where you can connect with your fellow members. The Justice for All Ball was rescheduled to Saturday, May 4 due to the extreme wind event on April 6. Thank you to the BCBA staff who quickly adapted to this unforeseeable change and rescheduled the event. If you haven’t registered yet, it’s not too late to register and attend. We would love to see you there. It’s a fun way to support a great cause.

We will be hosting our Annual Meeting on June 6, 2024, where we bring on the new BCBA Board members, the gavel will be passed to the next BCBA President, and several awards will be given out. There will be food, drinks, and great people.

I hope you feel welcomed and supported by the BCBA and that we will see you at an event soon!

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