Please join us for the live CLE webinar What Is New in Division 1 and Administrative Challenges, presented by Corey T. DeAngelis.
This presentation will be highlighting all things new in Division 1, from recent reorganization of staff to changes in administration and water operations. Corey will also highlight some of the administrative challenges associated with some of the changes in administration and operations, many associated with recent legislative changes, such as HB20-1037 (Augmentation of Stream Flows), SB18-170 (Reservoir Storage Mitigation of Stream Flows), Instream Flow Rights, etc.
This lunchtime program will be held from 12:00 – 1:00 pm via Zoom webinar. The Zoom link will be sent out to all registrants.
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3269 28th Street
Boulder, CO 80301
(303) 440.4758