Upcoming events
January President's Page As we ring in 2025, I challenge you to make annual resolutions related to your legal work, not just your waistline. Here are some suggestions. Please pick 2 or make your own goals. Post about your goals as comments on the BCBA Facebook page -- sharing goals is proven to increase the likelihood of achieving them. | Bagels With the Bar Every Wednesday from 8:30 - 10:00 am, members are welcome to join us at the BCBA office for free bagels and coffee. We welcome everyone to join in the weekly conversations and get to know your fellow members and your BCBA office. | The Boulder County Bar Foundation is dedicated to raising funds for legally-related organizations and projects in Boulder County, Colorado. Our grant awardees are proven local partners that champion social justice and support expanded legal access and knowledge in our community. Through targeted giving, we achieve our goals to: